I was recently asked to take part in a Twitter hour based in the USA. #UKBizParty happens every Tuesday at 6pm GMT and is a Twitter Hour this has great interactions and is managed by US business supremo Anna Scheller.
As many of you know I love Twitter Hours and finding ones that resonate with your audience or your peers is a great way to make the best use of your time on Twitter.
Being asked to co-host one is one of the best ways to get the most out of a Twitter hour, as you share the responsibility of the engagement, you get to plan ahead and there are more than just you to promote it.
Each Twitter Hour for #USABizParty is themed so participants have a good understanding of what the chat will be about and the co-host is someone with expertise in that field to provide concise but informative tweets to the Twitter Hour. (Don’t forget the hashtag – #USABizParty).
The theme for my hour was ”Colours”. It was interesting to chat and discuss colour theories and how significant colours can be for customers to make decisions on working with you. Colour Psychology thoughts on how colours can evoke emotions and help make decisions is fascinating and many of the participants had strong feelings on how their brand colour came about, from ‘feeling the colour’ when they viewed it on the screen to more simple concepts of just ‘liking that colour’.
However you choose to colour your branding is up to you, but bringing in a professional designer would be a good move to help you evaluate your brand values and develop a colour palette and further down the line brand guidelines to give your business the best start it can get!
The Twitter hour was really good fun and is a fast and furious way to get great interaction on Twitter.
Do your research and take a look as to what Twitter Hours might be available for your business and get involved with a well established one if you can. If there aren’t any, then maybe this is your time to get one started!
With the development of Twitter Spaces as an audio-only area on Twitter, I can see Twitter Hours becoming, even more, engaging with the opportunity to talk through your Twitter Hour of choice. (Not heard of Spaces yet, let me know and I can share a space with you!)
This Twitter Hour culminated with an additional Live stream afterwards to discuss further colour theories where the Twitter Hour participants could continue to engage and get involved. Having a recording of this will be a great asset to me and user-generated content I can continue to add to my content to the business.
So over to you, find your tribe on Twitter and get involved in a Twitter Hour as part of your content for your business?
If you need further information on the best ways to use Twitter or could do we PowerHour to get you back on track? Please email me at [email protected] or drop me DM on my Twitter feed at @CatchDesignsMgt
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