In reality, the Instagram algorithm is what decides which posts people see every time they open their feed.

Instagram’s algorithm is based on machine learning, so the way it ranks your posts is constantly evolving.

How the Instagram algorithm works

Things changed in 2016 when the reverse chronological ended and was replaced with then individual persons feed organised according to the algorithm’s rules.

The Algorithm relies on three ranking signals. and what can you do to beat it.


People who engage with your posts like yours they are more likely to see your posts. The algorithm wants to give people what they want to see.

If users have enjoyed certain types of posts in the past, the algorithm is more likely to show that type of post to them in the future.For example: if a user interacts with verified or business accounts more, they might be more likely to see posts from that type of account. If they watch a lot of video, same deal.

2. Relationship

Increasingly, Instagram wants people to spend time on the app because we enjoy it in a meaningful way, not just because we can’t stop scrolling. Accordingly, the algorithm bumps up posts from accounts that a user already interacts with. For brands and creators, this means that focusing on community engagement is key.

Exchanging DMs, tagging each other in posts, and frequently leaving comments are all actions that indicate a close relationship between accounts. As well as likes, reshares and views.


Posts that are more recent are more likely to be pushed to the top of people’s feeds. This means that posting when your audience is online is crucial.

Other factors that will affect an individual Instagram user’s feed include:

  • Frequency of use: The algorithm shows the best and most popular posts since the last time a user opened the app—so users who don’t check Instagram frequently will only see your brand’s post if it’s earning top engagement.
  • Session time: Likewise, users that spend 45 minutes scrolling their feed will see more posts, including underperforming ones, than someone who only spends 5 minutes looking at the greatest hits.
  • Following count: A person who follows thousands of accounts might not see every post. But if they only follow a few hundred, they’re likelier to stay fully caught up on everyone they do follow.

How do you find working on Instagram? Easy or hard? If the latter then please do get in touch with us and see will see if we can help! Call us on 01642 712817 or drop us an email at [email protected]

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