Happy with your blog, but sad, that no one is reading it? Here are some basic tips to share with you to try to get more readers for your blogs.
1. Is your blog on your website? Make sure your site is visible and usable on mobile devices. The percentage of users sharing content on mobile is increasing every day, so if your website doesn’t work on mobile you’re at an immediate disadvantage.
2.Share your own content more than once. There’s nothing wrong with sharing the same post several times. Just consider which platform you are sharing on and then go for it. Many audience dip in and out of social media and may well miss our initial post.
3.Avoid blatant automation errors. For example, using Twitter hashtags on Facebook is a sure sign that you’re automatically cross-posting and will make people less inclined to comment or share.
4.Offer exclusive opportunities to readers. If you can give them a subscription to your service or a free download, they can become great sharers of your brand.
5. Include social sharing buttons for any network you use. Also, if you don’t use a particular social network, don’t include a plugin for it. People might want to like your page and won’t be able to find one.
6.Create a weekly or monthly content digest newsletter separate from your other newsletters. A good content digest gives you the power of an email list and the potency of an RSS feed at the same time. Sometime with busy lives, people prefer to get your news direct to their in box and digest at their leisure.
7.Consider using social comments on your blog. The Facebook comments plugin can give you a leg up on viral sharing surges, but keep an eye on it as negative comments can be visible easily.
8.Post in small communities and groups. Facebook groups, LinkedIn groups, small Google+ communities and other such groups can be great for focused sharing. Take some time to identify interested communities and share your news.
Remember blogging is all about being seen as an industry professional and can enhance you reputation as well as increasing your interaction and followers on your social media. Lookign for some blogging ideas, take a look at our blog on blog writing here
For more information, please call Sue on 07971 065941 or email [email protected]
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