It’s often at this time of the year, we all take some time to have a think about our businesses, considering the new year ahead.
Some of those thoughts may relate to financial planning, budgets, advertising, marketing and the businesses online reputation.
If this is the case, perhaps we can help?
To make the best use of your time at work, we can help you to develop a social media strategy which will help you to save time during the day and have a more planned strategic approach to how your business functions on social media. If you are really stretched for time, we can even run your accounts for you!
In addition, take the time in the New Year to plan out your blogs for the months ahead to work around your businesses peaks and troughs. Devising the headlines or even drafting them online will again save you time. WordPress websites will also allow you to write your blogs, add your images and SEO and schedule for future publication, which will allow you to create in bulk, when you have time, then watch them fly out on a regular basis.
Developing some infographics, promotional graphics and seasonal social media covers is not a bad idea either, so when you get busy later in the year you can again save time by referring to your prepared artwork when promotions start or seasons change.
Planning ahead with some of these creative elements, can really help plan out your year and allow more time for you to concentrate on running your business.
If you find that taking the time to plan strategically for your social media or general marketing for your business is difficult, then don’t be afraid to outsource, you may be surprised how effective that can be. Why stress about social media if you don’t enjoy it, there are plenty out there that do!
We love working with local businesses to help support them in marketing and social media, why not get in touch to find out more.
Call on 07971 065941 or email me at [email protected] and we would love to hear more about your business.